What's Covered?
Road Service Of America our memberships include 24/7 emergency roadside assistance, for any inconvenience such as: Flat tire, Run out of gas, Dead Battery, Break down and more. We provided unlimited service calls and up to 30 miles per towing per call while Many other companies only provide 2 to 4 service calls yearly with 10 miles restrictions. On top of this remarkable comparison RSA also provides legal Reimbursements, Violation reimbursements, Emergency reimbursement in case of a auto accident, travel assist program, and Auto buying guidance. This are many of reason why you should join RSA TODAY!!!
Road Service Of America
Emergency Road Service* RSA profitable protection, you will receive:
a. Battery Boost
b. Fuel Delivery
c. Tire Change
d. Lock-out Service
e. Wrecker Towing Service
Our towing coverage covers up to a max of 50 Miles. Charges will apply after 50 Miles at owners expense. However as a RSA Member the charge will be drastically discounted. We can only replace a replacement tire that must be provided by the client. Emergency Gas will be added up to 4 Gallons. Please call for more info about our great benefits and services.
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RSA Towing Benefits
Legal Assitance
Attorneys Fees****
Service of America will pay up to $250.00 for your attorney to defend
you against police charges resulting from driving your covered auto:
(court appearance required)
1. Up to $100 for covered Moving Violations
2. Up to $100 covered auto related Personal Injury matters
3. Up to $100 covered Vehicle Damage issues
Disclaimer* RSA Will only cover Moving violations without Court appearance* No Parking, Street Cleaning or Meter Tickets will be paid.
Legal Assitance
Prescription Discounts
RSA Partner with Free Discount Cards for Prescriptions. Our discount card is an easy way to help you and your family receive discounts on most of your Prescription. You received a unique membership card allowing you to receive up to a 70% discount on most prescriptions. At participating stores. and RSA will reimburse you up to $25.00 per each prescription to a max of $75.00 for each occurrence. Restrictions Apply. Prescription must be on the subscribers name. and can only be claim within a 7 day period of the prescription date.
Presciption Discounts
Emergency Room Reimbursement
Emergency Reimbursement Benefits
up to $150 emergency cash for Emergency Room or Trauma Center treatment
received due to injury in a covered accident. Includes up to $50.00 in
cost for each of the following:
1. Cast or Splints
2. Ambulance Service
3. Anesthetics
4. X-Rays
5. ER Facility
ER Reimbursement
Emergency Ride
As a RSA Member you will be covered up to 5 times in one year for cab
services up to 15 mileages a way from your home in the event that one of
our active members feels unable to drive.
So if you had one or two more shots than expected please leave your car where it is and call RSA we will send someone to pick you up so you can safe it get home. We will pick you the next day to pick up your car.
Emergency Ride